Posted on The National
THE Health Department’s cyber security system will be strengthened following the donation of a system that monitors intrusions, thanks to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).
With You With Me (WYWM) Cyber manager under NCSC Robert Potter said the cyber security steering committee had selected the most critical departments to protect.
During the handing over of the intrusion detection system (IDS) and intrusion prevention system (IPS) in Port Moresby yesterday, Potter said this was the second stage of the end-point protection they had deployed throughout the critical sections of the department.
He said the IDS/IPS which cost US$2 million (K6mil) would improve the department’s cyber security capacity in order to meet the threats associated with increased connectivity.
Health Department information communication and technology manager John Mondo said their network security system was weak and was prone to cyber-attacks.
Mondo said the current system was weak because the equipment used was old and operating beyond its lifespan.
He said the IT services currently provided were: the national database system and software application (NDSSA), e-National Health Information System (e-NHIS), M-supply system (MSS), health care professional registration system (HCPRS), human resource information system (HRIS) and internet services which included the department’s email system.
In terms of security, Mondo said the department was struggling but the provinces were more vulnerable.
He said with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) a new upgraded firewall system with enough power and capability to protect the network would be installed and commissioned in the coming weeks.
He thanked the NCSC for their support in beefing up the Health department’s security system.
He said the system would be upgraded to a standard where the health sector was safe and fully secured.
Go to this link for more:https://www.thenational.com.pg/dept-receives-monitoring-system-to-strengthen-its-cyber-security/