Friday, April 19, 2019

Ruth, First Papua New Guinean Woman To Own Planes

Ruth Undi
PNG aviation’s first woman owner

Among many women entrepreneurs from around the Pacific and Papua New Guinea, Ruth Undi is one among them. Emerging from the rich area of Ialibu in the Southern Highlands.
42 year old Ruth, commonly known as “grassroots” mother is the frist Papua New Guinean woman to own and operate an aviation company, Niugini Aviation, which has fleet of three planes.
Despite having no aviation background, brave Ruth bought her first plane in 2011 because she saw the need to service the remote areas not accessible by road. She bought her frist plane, 206 seater aircraft from the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The plane was used to transport medical supplies to remote areas. Mining companies also hire the plane for private charters.
As the demand grew she went ahead to approached New Zealand and bought two more air craft. The mother of four doesn’t want to be branded as a trailblazer for women in the aviation industry. She said “she is not there yet.”

Ruth attributes her success to a supporting husband and employees. “When you employ the right people and properly compensate them, they will perform to the best of their ability. My husband has always been there for me when I was taking the risks, she said.
Ruth has bigger plans for the future – one of which is the upgrade of her fleet to 19-seater Twin Otters to service other parts of PNG. This will mean the upgrade of the airline’s operating license.
Ruth also owns a construction company, Kana Construction, in Port Moresby, while her husband Ron operates an insurance company.
Ruth committed K1 million as seed capital to Ialibu-Pangia Mama Halipim Mama Financial Services to help them venture into agriculture and start-up small business to sustain their livelihood.
Rarely will you find people like Ruth, who generously gives back something worth K1 million back to the community. As a woman growing up in the village and seeing the struggles and hardships of her mother and other women faced in the community, she was inspired to contribute something profitable back to her people.
Her Husband Roxon Undi and her family and relatives were shocked to hear her K1 million contribution to the Mama Halipim Mama Financial Services.
“For me, the sky is the limit. I will tell my story once I have achieved everything that I have dreamt,” Ruth said.

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