Sunday, June 2, 2019

Namah Responds To Kramer On His Misleading Statement

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By Belden Namah Vanimo-Green MP

  Kramer's report is inaccurate, misleading and baseless. I say this for the following reasons;
1) I have never heard or seen Bryan lobbying for Marape.
2) his numbers don’t add up. The reason being; not all 67 MPs in Laguna voted when the secret ballot was conducted on Tuesday morning. Both Puraitch and Marape were excused from the room and both never took part in voting. Only 65 of us voted minus Puraitch and Marape. The results as we all know was: Puraitch 37 and Marape 28 and not as recorded by Bryan, Puraitch 39 and Marape 28.
3) Bryan never knew anything about Marape’s next moves after the results of the secret ballot on Tuesday morning.
4) he had no idea whatsoever about ‘The Angoram Manoeuvre’ as we call it now, defused a major political move and saved the day for Marape to be elected PM.
5) imagine the final outcome of the election of PM if PO was still in contention and if he didn’t withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.
Bryan never read Marape’s next plan of moves after the parliament adjourned on Tuesday and Marape’s subsequent meeting with PO at 4am on Wednesday morning.
Even on Wednesday’s parliament session, Bryan was all confident that our Laguna 67 was still intact. He had no idea whatsoever about what was actually happening when Marape changed his sitting on the floor of parliament that morning. He never knew that numbers had already shifted. Bryan is and was politically too dumb to read the serious political manoeuvring and undercurrents that was taking place.
That’s why you could hear him screaming on Wednesday’s parliament session, ‘yupela traim kolim disen na bai yumi testim namba.’ He had no idea whatsoever that numbers had already shifted.
He was actually dumb founded when Marape and his team crossed the floor and left with Crown Team after the adjournment of parliament on Wednesday.
His assertion that we were trying to block Marape from being elected as PM is totally untrue and misleading.
We actually exposed what was happening within their 76 Crown Team who made Marape believed that he had secured the support of 76 MPs when in fact he didn’t. The acceptance of PO’s nomination by Opposition Leader and Seconded by myself is the testimony and record prove.
In actual fact ‘The Angoram Manoeuvre’ defused a major political move and saved the day for Marape to be elected PM.
Bryan only bolted to Grand Papua and later to Crown following Marape and his team just to make up this inaccurate, misleading and baseless story and also for his own political survival.
Bryan in my view is very dangerous to our nation’s sovereignty.

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