Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Whistleblower act passed


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Yesterday PNG's parliament passed a law to protect whistleblowers but a bill to establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption will have to go to a parliamentary committee before being voted on. Mr Marape wrote this before parliament sat - KJ
PORT MORESBY - I gained office with no money, no political party, no lobbyist, and not too many friends except a few loyalists including MPs and the general people of Papua New Guinea who wanted change plus the Hand of my Creator God.
Please circulate that I don’t have agents and if anyone, whether the fake accounts holders in Facebook or others in private who might request help as if coming from me, report them.
Talk about fighting corruption, we hopefully should pass Independent Commission Against Corruption tomorrow (Tuesday).
It is in our government’s program and all MPs including the opposition have been told that this is a Marape-Steven government’s priority legislation, including whistle blowers act.
This ICAC bill will set the institution that should assist us fighting corruption and we will build it where it is free from politics and become an agent that assist transforming our country into the future.
Other lead corruption fighting agencies like Transparency International, the Ombudsman, the police plus the judiciary will be called upon to assist set up the structure of ICAC.
The Whistleblowers Act we will pass also protects those who report corruption so I request those who have evidence of corruption in our country, prepare to take cover under our Whistleblowers Act and report them.
Many governments have promised ICAC but myself and Hon Davis Steven as Attorney-General and our present parliament including ministers have pledged to deliver this [yesterday].
PNG, I placed minister Kramer to fight corruption and he is giving his best shot. I am slowly but surely placing public service appointments I feel will assist us get there, like the appointment of a reknowned corruption fighter Sam Koim to the Internal Revenue Commission, as a few small examples.
Rome was not built in one day or one year, we have a long way to go in PNG but we making the first correct painful baby steps.
When you see wrong and corruption, assist being an agent of law by providing your evidence and helping us take back PNG, instead of just being a Facebook or cyber complainant.
Whilst on corruption, the last few days an issue on a gas license transaction that took place during minister Duma’s time as petroleum minister has been a public concern.
I am concerned too and, just like other allegations, I have requested detailed scrutiny of this allegation raised by foreign media.
Minister Duma has been asked to provide his side of the story and into the future greater light will unravel this matter too.
Again if anyone of you have any interest or information on this then Facebook is not the forum but responsible offices including the police and Ombudsman.
This country is here to stay and some of these will be work in progress so have faith we will get there.
Let’s all work wherever we are placed.

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